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Writing Goals for 2024

Writer's picture: Teresa WiddowsonTeresa Widdowson

Updated: Mar 9, 2024

Cute manual typewriter with flowers and a rainbow

Holy cow! Can it really already be January the 15th? Yes, it can. I’m a little behind the eight-ball here, but have decided it’s not too late to commit to a few writing goals for 2024. My hope is to try very hard to list only goals that are realistic (she said, with a chuckle). I tend to be a little too optimistic about how much I think I can get done in a year—a month, a week, a day! There are so many interesting things to do in life that it’s hard to fit them all in! And, I cannot go full-tilt all day anymore like I used to when I was younger, as much as I hate to admit it.

So here goes! My main writing goal this year is to finish book number three. I have yet to decide on a fitting title for this fiction novel. The one I originally chose simply doesn’t work anymore. Once I started writing the outline, I realized that my story idea was flawed. So I had to change things up, and then the title didn’t make any sense. Sigh… I really liked that title. But sometimes you have to learn to just let go. So, it’s off to brain-storming land again to think of a new catchy but relevant title. I also reserve the right to change my mind about the actual book I will complete. There are several partially finished novels hanging around in files on my computer, and you never know, one of them might scream at me to drop what I’m currently working on and pick it up instead.

One of my other writing plans is to pump out blogs consistently for my author website, and I am really enjoying this challenge so far. It’s very easy to find an excuse to halt working on my writing projects temporarily, only to discover that the temporary status becomes permanent. OK, well maybe not permanent permanent, but I’ve been known to go dormant for months at a time only to kick myself later. My hope is that by keeping my blog up, this will ensure my writing brain cells are continually kept in motion.

I’ve noticed recently on KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing, the service I’ve used to publish my books so far in my writing journey) that they’ve opened up a new world of what they are calling Vellas. A vella is a story that is published one short episode at a time. Doesn’t that sound like fun? I have a fantasy book that I started way back in 2017, which I wrote for the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) contest. It would be a great book to release in one-chapter increments. The story needs a bit of work, but publishing it as a vella might be just the push I need to get it going again!

If you’re familiar with my current books, The RH Factor and MYND Control, then you know I often include murder, mystery and slightly futuristic medical advances in my stories. However, I do have a family drama I’ve been working on for several years. At this moment in time, it’s really just a glimmer in my brain. I’ve made a few notes, done some brainstorming, but have yet to write a single scene. But I did write a short screenplay a few years ago that touched on the topics I want to cover in the book and will probably start there for the guts of the story. I’m excited about the idea and am hoping this year to put some meat on its bones.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the author of The Little Prince, said, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” I love that statement because it is so true! So my first objective of the year is to put a plan together for how I’m going to reach all my writing goals. Yes, I know I really should have done that back in December, but, oh well, nobody’s perfect. And really, I often think we are all too hard on ourselves when we don’t reach our planned goals. I realize I’m contradicting myself a bit with this next statement, but my goal list is also my wish list. I will put a plan together for how I see myself succeeding, but I’m also not going to be surprised if things crop up in my life that keep me from reaching them all.

What do you think? Is my goal list too long? Am I being unrealistic? What about you? Have you made goals for this year? I hope so. Goals are a good thing. They help keep you motivated. And even if I don’t hit every goal I’ve listed here, I plan to give myself some props if I’m able to at least take a good stab at them all.

But it’s even more important to take time to enjoy life. So, my advice is to set your goals, do your best, and then let it go. Ask yourself what my father used to ask me if I didn’t get all straight-A’s on my report card: Did you do your best? If my answer was yes, then I was golden. If that’s your answer when the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, 2024, then you should be too.


2 comentários

Membro desconhecido
18 de jan. de 2024

The “Vella” idea sounds wonderful! Something like a cross between the word “novella” and the definition of a serial publication. I look forward to seeing yours! 😀


Membro desconhecido
16 de jan. de 2024

Thanks for sharing! It has encouraged me to take a different approach to my “plan” for 2024.


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